Literally, the word “UMMAT” is an Arabic word and phrase “Ummah” (أمة) meaning “People of Man”, taken from the word “Amma-Yaummu” which means to go, to master, and exemplify. From the root of this word is also formed the word “um” which means “mother” and “priest” which means “leader”.

The word “UMMAT”‘ in the Qur’an all have a positive, even ideal meaning. Based on a careful and comprehensive study that in the Quran, the word “Ummat” in a single form is mentioned repeatedly 52 times. The word “UMMAT” contains a semi-meaning: Group, Religion (Tawhid), Long Time, People, Leaders, Past Generations, Muslims, and People Entirely. The word “UMMAT” also has a bond of equality that unites human beings, or animals, tribes, nations, ideologies, and religions.

The meaning of the word “UMMAT” means dynamic motion, direction, time, clear path, and style and way of life. To go in a direction it must be clear the way, and it must move forward in a certain style and way, and at the same time take time to reach it.

The specialty of the word “Ummat” in the sociological context, is as a human set whose members together go one way, shoulder to shoulder, and move dynamically under the leadership of the Commons.
The word “UMMAT” is also associated with the word “wasathan” (moderate), based on the Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:143 which reads “Thus we make you “ummatan wasathan” so that you become witnesses of human actions, and that the Apostle (Muhammad SAW) be a witness to your actions.”

Those facing two opposing sides are required to be “wasath” (referee) and are in the middle position to apply fair. From this, the third “wasath” meaning was born, which is righteous.

Ummatan wasatha” is a moderate people, whose position is in the middle, to be seen by all parties, and from all Corners.

The word Ummat is sometimes not captivated by numbers, such as the position of a prophet who is alone but gathers many praiseworthy qualities that can not be carried by so many people.  (Q.S Al-Nahl 16:120)

Meaning of The Word “UMMAT”: