The lyrics for this march were composed by the founder of the Ummat Party, Amien Rais. Verse and melody colored with praise of takbir and shriek of independence in the last lyrics of mars, introduced on Amin Rais’ official YouTube channel (@amienraischannel) which was released.

Listen to the Call of the Heart

(Dengarkan lah Panggilan Sanubari)

The Cry of the Founders of the Country

(Tangisan Para Pendiri Negeri)

Save the Motherland

(Selamatkan Bumi Air Pertiwi)

Struggle for the Divine call

(Berjuang Kar’na Perintah Ilahi)

The Ummat Party is calling us!

(Partai Ummat Memanggil Kita!)

The Ummat Party gathers us!

(Partai Ummat Menghimpun Kita!)

The Ummat Party unites us!

(Partai Ummat Satukan Kita!)

In Rahmatan Lil Al-Amin

(Dalam Rahmatan Lil Al-Amin)


Fighting injustice and upholding justice

(Lawan Kezaliman Tegakkan Keadilan)

For Glory… For Prosperity… Indonesia!

(Demi Kejayaan… Demi Kemakmuran… Indonesia!)

Allahu Akbar… Allahu Akbar… Allahu Akbar… Freedom!.. Freedom!

(Merdeka!.. Merdeka!)