Visually, the logo of the Ummat Party consists of a gram logo in the form of a tawhid shield that is accompanied by a firm outline of the arch of the bottom half of the two sides that are fused with gold colour, with a golden star in the middle, and a type logo in the form of the name “Ummat Party” under the gram logo.

The emblem of the Ummat Party was adopted from one of the basic symbols of the pillars of Indonesian state ideology, namely the symbol of a single star shield with a golden color located on the middle shield of the chest of the golden mythical bird Garuda, the symbol of the first precept of PANCASILA “The One True God” or “Tawhid” is interpreted as a holistic protection that ensures the continuity of human life and the Khaliq , while maintaining the establishment of human life mizan in an atmosphere full of justice, and far from the tyranny of others.

Shape, Colour, Size

Gram logo in the form of TAWHID SHIELD is a symbol as an authentic beam of kalimah syahadah“, kalimahthayyibah“, and kalimah liberation. This form also gives the meaning of shields in the culture and civilization of the archipelago that serves as a tool of defense, protection, self-defense from sharp weapons that hit both from spear attacks, arrows or swords to achieve a positive goal in the ethics of goodness against tyranny and uphold justice against in togetherness, kinship, collectivity, help and shoulder to shoulder.

BLACK color has the meaning of philosophy that describes the color of nature as a blessing from God Almighty who made the source of everything on the face of the earth, and also gives the meaning of firmness, firmness, and fortitude in carrying out tasks and mandates.

THICK LINES AROUND THE SHIELD FORM give meaning to the interwoven and human life cycle from the starting point of creation to the end of life.

Stars in the pentagram sense have five angles that can be drawn from one point to another forming stars, and the form of four corners in it that are arranged clockwise so as to form stars, in Islam has the meaning of the pillars of Islam and the time of prayer fardhu, so that the star meaning reflects a religious identity.

The form of STAR means a light (for the light of the sky, light of the earth, and spiritual light) emitted and conferred by God Almighty (Allah SWT) to mankind and also illuminates the basis of the five countries as stated in the fourth chapter 1945 Constitution.

In the form of four corners each of them is divided into three corners that give meaning in Islam are three readings in prostration (“Subhaana Robbiyal A’laa” Holy my Lord the Most High, “Subhanna Robbiyal A’laa Wa Bihamdih” Holy My Lord the Most High, and praise me to Him, “Subhaanakallahuma Robbanaa Wa Bihamdika Allahummaghfir Lii” Our Lord, and by Your praise, O Allah, forgive me).

Gold color on a thick line around the shape of a shield, and Yellow and Gold on the star shape has the meaning of philosophy that is majesty, glory, victory, glory, nobility, prosperity, prosperity, and also success in the future of the nation and the civilized state of Indonesia.