Narrated by HZ.PUTRA. Head of Digital Campaign Division and executive of Information Technology Division, Central Management Board of the Ummat Party.

We all know the Internet, Digital Technology, and Social Media play both positive and negative roles in social cohesion, political dynamics, and broader social issues in our country. Social media today can incite hatred and violence, spark polarization, and build support for authoritarian leaders. However, we also believe that Social Media can help people fight hate speech, raise awareness through online dialogue and accurate information, and empower social movements to support democracy and social change.

Given the large number of news stories about cyber-attacks making headlines, it is natural to raise your hand desperately, or even to seek a higher power.

Creating and maintaining peace in cyberspace for now is as hard as starting a cyber war.

Cyber peace is not the absence of attacks or exploitation, and we must jointly help reduce the risk of conflict, crime, and espionage in cyberspace to a comparable degree. For this reason, we in Indonesia must be able to develop the law of peace in cyberspace with an ethical tradition that applies the shared heritage of the concept of mankind to cyberspace peacefully and fairly.

We can still stop cyber warfare before it begins and ends severely, by laying the groundwork for a positive cyber peace that respects human rights in attitudes, opinions, behaviors, cognition’s, affections, and confections.

We can still maintain stability in cyberspace from the digital divide due to geopolitical and socio-cultural divisions that occur today in Indonesia so as to avoid conflicts in cyberspace, one of which is through the implementation that ensures the free flow of information and ideas.

As a society, we must adapt our own perceptions of risk and value to a new digital age. We must be careful when transferring traditional world concepts into the cyber domain and must always question their suitability, so that they have enough literacy so that they are not easily provoked by misleading information.

We are still convinced that future generations will have a better understanding of the risks involved, as they grow using these digital technologies. We must cultivate this by teaching not only technology but also the values associated with it. Society should try to understand the Internet as the common good of humanity and not as something constrained by the boundaries of government/country or culture.

We can achieve stable cyber peace if most societies think of the Internet as a shared space with others that have understandable and documented rules to protect its users from harm – both physical and digital.

Every step we make towards a more stable peace in the digital realm helps protect the Internet, critical infrastructure, and our society as a whole.

Spreading hatred with each other, blaspheming and berating each other, spreading false information or hoaxes often use digital social media platforms as a cyber attack tool that is easy to communicate digitally without seeing ethics and norms, which we know has a very big influence on people’s social relations until now.

The zilenial generation and millennials as the largest users of social media have an important role to be wise in social media and are responsible for continuing to create a message of peace in fighting injustice and establishing justice in cyberspace.

Data and information will always be widespread and circulated without restrictions, but we humans certainly have knowledge, knowledge, insight, and wisdom in processing and disseminating it.

In social media make it the fifth generation of pillars of democracy in utilizing it for good, as a social movement, as a political movement to strengthen each other in fighting injustice and upholding justice, as a movement that realizes and succeeds peaceful, dignified netizens.

The Ummat Party appeals to all of us that starting from conversational activities, messaging activities, as well as short response activities, we should always be able to understand its social media platform, understand how and use it, and understand the legal side. Thus we can ensure that the virtual world – the digital world can embrace others peacefully.

Today and next, the Ummat Party through a comprehensive and collaborative plastic-capable digital talent army with intelligence and heart, will create an impact of input, response, interest in peace in cyberspace, and strive in strategies for the influence of positive creative content and design that is thematic and strong characteristics, photos / images, video and audio in a narrative based on digital literacy that we have with leadership and transformation.  digital, which together we adjust and also optimize to deal with insults, hatred, bullying, false information (hoaxes), and disinformation, thus making this army as a digital movement of adventurers / wanderers, protectors and pillar guards of the UMMAT Party that cannot be separated from empathy and communicate by upholding the fairy of humanity and justice, the right words (qualan sadida), impactful and effective (qualan baligha),  good words (qualan ma’rufa), noble speech (qaulan karima), meek (qulan layina), and easy to understand (qaulan maysura).

Cyberspace is about humans, we must contribute to acting collectively and collaboratively ensuring respect for a peaceful cyberspace in Indonesia.

Build maturity, empathize, communicate with ethics and intellectual readiness based on digital literacy that we know in using social media in cyberspace, and move on a positive level in struggling with social media to the point where the character of digital social media becomes Rahmatan Lil’ Alamin.