Political Speech by RIDHO RAHMADI, at the 76th Anniversary of  Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, organized  by the Ummat Party – Central Leadership Council.

Assalamu’alaikum  Wr. Wb. (Peace be upon You)

الْحَمْدُ ِِ رَ ِّ ب الْعَالَمِیْنَ وَال َّ صلاةَُ وَال َّ سلامَُ عَلَى أشَْرَفِ اْلأنَْبِیَاءِ وَالْمُرْسَلیِْنَ وَعَلَى الَھِِوَصَحْبِھِ أجَْمَعِیْنَ أ َّ مَا بَعْدُ

Which I respect the Chairman, leadership and all administrators of the Shura Assembly, Supervisory Assembly Party, Ethics Assembly, and Party Court, and also what I respect, the Chairman, the leadership and all the management of the DPP, DPW, DPD, DPC; also, all friends and members of the UmmaT Party, throughout Indonesia.

Today, we gather virtually, to commemorate the 76th Independence Day  of the  Republic of Indonesia. Let us pray, may Allah SWT.  Provide a way out of all the  problems that plague this country. And let me begin this speech with a question: Do we have freedom?

Authoritarian & Oligarchy: the Worst of the both Worlds

Have we been freedom?  if the current government  regime is  authoritarian and partisan. We  have witnessed how this regime’s repressive attitude  towards the people  of the opposition;  Tinged with persecution, demonetization, banning organizations, and even the arrest of individuals, imprisoned behind bars.

On the other hand, to  its   blind-bound supporters,  the government’s attitude  tends to turn soft and friendly.   The atmosphere of partisan  politics is so obvious in the sky of the motherland;  Our nation  has been cut from  above.

Such repressive and partisan politics ways; Supporting the part and dropping the other part, is the old-fashioned way.  This method  was once used by  colonial and fascist regimes in Indonesia, about 1 century ago.  At that time, organizations initiating nationalism and independence such as PNI, Partindo, were muzzled, and figures such as Soekarno, Hatta, Syahrir, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo were imprisoned.  or exiled. Then  what’s the difference?

Have we been free? If the smell of oligarchy is morally and ethically blind, it is strongly  in the body of  our government.  A group of oligarchic  elites justify all means in order to protect their personal interests or the  interests of their groups.   These interests  are not far from one thing, which  is none other than  the name is money.  Greedy and greedy, those are the characteristics of oligarchy in Indonesia.


So do not be surprised if the mafia has a grip and  strong influence in this country.  Indeed, the mafia and the  oligarchic elites inherited  an identical DNA  of greed;  then   of course they will cooperate  and  open each other’s nets.  They inherit an evil mentality, the ends justify the means, aka  the goal of justifying all means.

The mafia  took refuge behind power and not infrequently even dictated that power  in many dimensions of national life.  So, we knows there are various kinds of mafia;  starting from the rice mafia, meat mafia, sugar mafia, fertilizer mafia, wheat mafia, chili mafia, onion mafia, oil mafia, drug mafia, gas mafia, mineral and coal mafia, tax mafia, legal mafia, and others so on. Indeed, the economic, legal, social, and political joints of this nation were destroyed, he made.


Have we been free? If we re-open the coffin of communism in this country, which has long been locked, and let its ideas return to  the fray, then  we realize that the PKI has a  bloody history in the country. Indonesian. Remember the events of Madiun in 1948 and Gestapu in 1965.  In the  history of the world,   in the span of 100 years, communists  have killed 100 million people who are considered enemies.

Some people in the current government regime are trying to give a false negative  signal by saying that there are no more PKI in the country and spreading the bullying by  saying  there is no more.  a country in the modern world  that embraces communism;  Whereas there is still China (Super power economy and military), Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, and Cuba with the ideology of communism.


Have we been free? The economy is getting worse. The state budget deficit reached Rp. 1,006.4 T;  The amount of foreign  debt reached Rp. 6004 Trillium (Rp. 310 T came from China), a record high foreign  debt ever taken by the Indonesian  government after the reform. The  population expenditure inequality rate (or Gini Ratio) stood at 0.38 in September 2019, a decrease of 0.034 points compared to the same  period five years earlier.

Signs of disequilibrium and socio-economic disparity look increasingly obvious and gaping. See how 80% of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product is dominated by provinces in the Western part of Indonesia alone.  Though Indonesia in the eastern part  is no less echo ripah loh jinawinya.

See how Indonesia’s global  competitiveness index, dropped from  37th in  2015 to  50th in  2020.  Worse  than Malaysia which is ranked  27th and Thailand at  40th.    Likewise,    Indonesia’s human development index dropped to 111st place in  2018, far below  Malaysia at   61st and 61st. Thailand is ranked 77th.

Natural Resources

Have we been free? If the management of Natural    Resources (SDA) is so haphazard and it seems that the greedy characters behind it. The contract of work for the  management of mines by foreigners, which should be stopped for the benefit of the nation,  was instead extended, even facilitated by  Law No. 3 of  2020.

The process of making the bill  is  also full of interests.  How not, the bill containing  the 938  Problem Inventory List  was completed in just two weeks  behind closed doors inside  a luxury hotel.  Even though the  bill   concerns the state and the rights of 270 million Indonesians.

Do you know, how much SDA is controlled by mining entrepreneurs, conglomerates and foreign investors?   For coal SDA  alone, the value is more than  Rp. 6,000 T. When combined with the mineral  sector,  the value of the SDA  is  more than  Rp. 10,000 T.  The net profit  enjoyed by a few people  can reach Rp. 60-90 T per year. What do 270 million Indonesians  get?

The nickel mineral  sector  is a strategic sector for electric cars.  The Indonesian government instead gave permission to some Chinese investors to manage nickel mines from upstream to  downstream.  Even the  government banned nickel exports from January 2020, making indigenous local miners forced to sell products to Chinese  companies at  a cheaper price than the export price.  .


Have we been free? Education, which  is actually the main road to build a progressive   nation’s civilization, its quality continues to decline and is increasingly noncompetitive. In a study that looked at aspects of education management, affordability, accessibility, accessibility, and adaptability, Indonesia obtained a score of 77%;  Same as Honduras and Nigeria, below the  Philippines and Ethiopia.

Even from the PISA test results in 2018, Indonesia is relatively in the bottom group; For Mathematics, we are in the bottom 7 of the 79 countries.  The ability to  understand reading is also 126 points below  the average of other countries.  For the field of Science, Indonesia is ranked 9th  from the bottom;  Far below Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Thailand, let alone Singapore.

Though education is very important for us to manage   natural resources,  human resources, and  capital resources.  Without a good  education, positions ranging  from technical to managerial will be filled by foreigners; and once again,  our nation becomes a spectator at home.


Have we been free?  Indonesia’s essential health care coverage index  in  2017 was 0.57;  same as Rwanda, under  exactly Tonga and Samoa.  Based on the index we are ranked  157th, far below our neighbors  Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS Kesehatan), which is expected to become the standard of health services  for the wider community, even has a deficit of Rp. 6,36 T.  The projected health budget in  the state budget is relatively small when compared to education;  Only about 6%.  Not  to mention that the use of the budget focuses  more on curative programs, not preventive programs.  Preventing is  easier  than treating.  But of course preventive programs are  not favored by  pharmaceutical companies;  Because the drugs sold will not sell on the market.

Papua and West Papua

Have we been free?  The issue of peace, and  socio-economic injustice in Papua and West Papua  has not been resolved.  Don’t be  like a minister said: “Yes, if Papuans have no turmoil, not Papuans, they are called”.   Statements like this contain negative sentiments and give a misleading stigma;   It is not appropriate to leave a minister who represents the  Government of Indonesia, where the territory  of Indonesia  is Sabang to Merauke.

To deal with problems in Papua and West Papua, so far the government tends to take a security and military approach.  The approach should be  taken more prioritizing dialogue and brotherhood.  The special autonomy law  for Papua is rejected by most  Papuans;  because it is considered not to touch the  substance of the  problem there.  But the government together with the Dpr instead passed a bill for Otsus Volume II.  Obviously,  this endorsement is a form of government approach that tends not to  suck up aspirations and does not put forward dialogue.

Economic injustice  in the land of Papua is also very painful. Day-night foreign companies such as British Petroleum and Freeport-McMoran siphon off natural gas  and mine the  earth content of  Papua, reaping enormous  success;  however, there are very few  economic  benefits felt by the people of Papua.  Even  the contribution of royalties and taxes to the state budget from Freeport-McMoran is only about 0.8%.

Megawati’s government in  2002 also  sold Tangguh  liquid natural gas to China. The length of his contract is 20 years. What  is suffocating is that  the  price pegged is very low;  Even in  2008  the price was only one-eighth of the  market at that time.

What do  Papuans  get? Merauke Integrated Rice Estate, with government permission to divide 2 million hectares of land  in Merauke to 33 companies for processing.  It is not economic justice and prosperity obtained  by the People of Papua and West Papua but poverty  and  ecological destruction.  A soldier from the University  of Papua said that in 30 years all will be wiped out.  There is nothing left but toxic waste.


Have we been free?  Wet tropical forests   in Indonesia   are  massively exploited through Forest  Management Rights by about 600 companies in an area of 64  million  hectares; which means the  destruction of natural  forests has been  More than half of the  forest owned by this country. A terrible number, especially when juxtaposed with the results of research conducted by the  Indonesian Mining  Advocacy Network, which found that more than 44%  of the land in Indonesia has been encapsulated. as a mining concession.

Equally ironic is that the  gross deforestation rate from 2018 to 2020 is about 584,000 hectares and reforestation is about 6600 hectares.  This means that in the midst of  the  world’s efforts to expand forest cover as the  lungs of the world, Indonesia  is actually deforestation.

Do we have freedom?

If what is meant by  independence is to be separated from colonization and stand alone as one nation, then the answer is already.

76 years ago, after a   long struggle by the founder and hero of this nation, the unyielding and tireless, Allah SWT. Bestowing His grace on the Indonesian nation;  Something to  look forward to, namely independence from colonial rule.  Happily  independence was proclaimed on  Friday, August 17,  1945 or coincided with 9 Ramadan 1364 H. We should continue to be grateful to Allah SWT.

However, has it been enough that independence has stopped there? Not yet.

Independence does not stop there enough. The founders of this country, not only aspired to escape colonialism;  but also yearning for independence   followed by all unity, strong sovereignty, the establishment of justice, and equitable prosperity for all Indonesian people.  This is the true meaning of independence; which the founders of this country  formulated in  Constitution 45, which is a written constitution, which  is binding on state  organizers,  state institutions, institutions people, and all citizens.

Thus, independence also means the liberation of  this nation from authoritarianism and oligarchy;  such as the mandate of Constitution 45 in  the Opening of the 4th Paragraph, Article 27 Paragraph 1, and Article 28D paragraph 1.

Independence also means the freedom of this country  from the mafia;  so that economic democracy is established and  there are no more monopoly cartels;  such as the mandate of the Constitution 45 Article 33 paragraphs 1 to 4.

Independence also means the loss of communism  to its roots from this mother earth;  such as the mandate of constitution 45 in  the opening of the 4th paragraph, and Article 29.

Freedom also means the use of natural resources  for the benefit of the entire Indonesian  nation;  such as the mandate of the Constitution 45 Article 33 Paragraphs 2 and 3.  Not for a foreign nation.

Independence also means the good quality of  education that is able to build a civilized and progressive nation;  such as the mandate of The Constitution 45 Article 31.

Independence also means the guarantee of health services and programs  that prosper the community;  such as the mandate of the Constitution 45 Article 28H Paragraph 1, and Article 34 Paragraph 3.

Independence also means the independence of the forests and nature  of  this mother earth from all kinds of ecological damage;  such as the mandate of the Constitution 45 Article 33 Paragraph 2.

Independence also means the realization of socio-economic security and justice in Papua and Papua. The West, as well as the fulfillment of the rights of the people there; such as the mandate of Constitution 45 all Articles 27 to Article 34.

Learning from the Past

There are at least  22 verses in the  Qur’an that encourage man to “walk on the face of the  earth/explore and to pay attention to how the end of a people who deny the truth” . For example, in  Al An’am 11:

قُلْ سِيْرُوْا فِى الْاَرْضِ ثُمَّ انْظُرُوْا كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الْمُكَذِّبِيْنَ

Say (Muhammad), “Explore the earth, then notice how the end of those who deny it.”

These   verses  contain the message that we should learn from the past, from  what has happened on  this earth. And it should be that we take wisdom and lessons so as not to  repeat the same  mistakes.

Our nation  has been colonized for centuries  and through various waves of  suffering until finally free from colonization. Let’s  learn from the history of  this nation.

There was an era around 1908 to 1926, where the founders of this nation consistently built and initiated the idea of nationalism and independence, by forming many organizations that have various Kind of ideology.  Starting from Budi Utomo, Sarekat Islam, Muhammadiyah, Nahdhatul Ulama, Aisyiyah, Muslimat NU, Princess Merdika, Hadi Woman, Indonesian Study Group, Indonesian Association, PNI, and so on.

This can be done because one of the reasons is the feeling of having a common enemy, that is, foreign invaders.

Then there was the era around 1926, where there was an attempt to unify the struggle;  for example, through the  Indonesian  National Political Association (PPPKI) or students through the Indonesian  Student Students Association  (PPPI) whose results in giving birth to the Youth  Oath, and also  the  Political Association Indonesia (GAPI).

For this united effort, plus cooperation between all  the old and young, the Indonesian  nation then finally gained independence.

Learn from the history of  this nation;  First, we need to understand and disseminate what our common enemy is.

My best friend, our common enemy is Tyranny!  Again, it is tyranny; that undermines  the various  dimensions  of life of  this nation.  Starting from authoritarianism, oligarchy, partisan politics, mafia, communism, disorganized economic management, unfair management of natural resources, education that is not educating and not giving value, poor health services, suffering of the people of Papua and West Papua, destruction of nature and forests, and all the tyranny and injustice on earth This motherland.

Let us realize all over the country, of our  common enemies.  All Indonesians should know. Young people need to understand. We are the ummat party must take part  at the forefront;  against tyranny and upholding justice, for the sake of achieving the true ideals of independence. We are the ummat party  must dare to  shout the  truth to anyone,  indiscriminately.  Remember the beautiful cry in Q.S. Ali Imran 104:

وَلْتَكُنْ مِّنْكُمْ اُمَّةٌ يَّدْعُوْنَ اِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُوْنَ بِالْمَعْرُوْفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ ۗ وَاُولٰۤىِٕكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُوْنَ

And let there be among you there is a group of people who call for  virtue, command (do) the makruf, and prevent from being corrupt. And those are they Lucky people.

Then in this struggle,  the  Ummat Party should be the  initiator and promoter of  the unity of our nation that has been divided;  because it  is impossible for the victory to be obtained if we are scattered.  As stated in Q.S Ar-Ra’d verse 11:

ۗاِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتّٰى يُغَيِّرُوْا مَا بِاَنْفُسِهِمْۗ

“… Surely Allah will not change the situation of a people until they change their own circumstances…”

, also verse 90 Surah An Nahl,

اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالْاِحْسَانِ وَاِيْتَاۤئِ ذِى الْقُرْبٰى وَيَنْهٰى عَنِ الْفَحْشَاۤءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ وَالْبَغْيِ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُوْنَ

“Surely Allah commanded (you)  to be just and to do good,  to  give help to relatives, and he forbade (committing)  heinous acts, malice, and hostility.  He  teaches you so that you can take lessons.”

, and remember my friend all, you are the chosen man,

“And (remember) when your Lord said to the angles, “I want to make caliphs on earth…”.

How noble, the position of man before Allah SWT; caliph, representative of Allah SWT, honorable and dignified, entrusted with a certain duty to build benefit on the face of the earth.

Finally , longevity my country, continue my people, peace my  mother earth, we  the Ummat Party will fight with you, to fight against tyranny and uphold justice!

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Freedom!

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.