Political Speech by General Chairman of the Ummat Party, RIDHO RAHMADI in the Press Conference on August 28, 2021, at the Ummat Party – Central Leadership Council Office, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta.

Bismillahirahmanirahim. In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Assalamu’alaikum  Wr. Wb. (Peace be upon You)

I would like to convey briefly, the main view of the Ummat Party in helping to improve the national  life  of the Indonesian nation. 

The Ummat Party holds firm to Islamic tawhid, which is an absolute belief in the Supreme Godhead.

From faith in the Oneness of Allah SWT.  In addition, the Ummat Party will fight earnestly to manifest  humanity or humanitarianism that is truly just, and civilized.  Far from tyranny and far from savagery.  Furthermore, the Ummat Party will  fight optimally to realize the Unity of Indonesia.

The Ummat Party will fight any effort, open or veiled, that wants to divide the nation and pit the    nation’s fellow children. 

The Ummat Party, Inshaa Allah always prioritizes the importance of deliberation and consensus  in  actualizing the  people of Indonesia. Both the tyranny of the majority and the tyranny of the minority  must be erased  in the diction, narrative, discussion, and deliberation of the Indonesian people.  How  true is the wise admonition of our ancestors: united we firmly divorced us collapsed. 

Finally, the Ummat Party together with other nation’s children, whose love never fades and goes out  to the Unitary State of the Republic Indonesia (NKRI), will realize multi-dimensional justice, social justice,  legal justice, political justice, educational justice, and justice  throughout our national life. The Ummat Party under any circumstances remains optimistic in looking at the future of the Indonesian nation.

We pray that the Covid-19 pandemic with all its variants will end soon, so that we can all work together  to improve the lives of our community, nation, and state. 

With the spirit of  the Unity of Diversity (Bhinneka  Tunggal Ika), the official national motto of Indonesia, all children of the nation must  compete in virtue and achieve success together. 

Aamiin Ya Robbal  ‘Alamiin. 

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.