
The realization of Indonesia as the country Baldatun Tayyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafur by upholding the values of Ilahiah, Ukhuwah (Brotherhood of Ummat), Hurriyah (Freedom), Musawah (Similarity), and ‘Adaalah (Justice) in the container of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.


  • Maintaining the establishment of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia on the principle of The One True God.
  • Realizing a national life blessed by God, who upholds divine values while maintaining the noble values of the nation’s culture and developing a spirit of peace, tolerance, mutual respect, and cooperation.
  • Realizing the power of a fair, trustworthy, and constitutionally responsible government through honest, fair, direct, public, free, and secret elections.
  • To create a government that is trustworthy, strong and authoritative, free from the practices of corruption, collusion, and nepotism, and uphold transparency, accountability, public transparency, and meritocracy system.
  • Realizing a prosperous, fair economic system based on PANCASILA in accordance with the State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945.
  • Realizing the sovereignty of food, energy and water.
  • Enforce fair laws without discrimination through apparatus and legal institutions that are clean, independent, and professional.
  • Creating a responsible press freedom based on moral law and ethics, so that the public obtains correct, objective, transparent, and responsible information.
  • Realizing the quality of holistic education, mastery of science, technology, and art to realize Indonesian human resources, especially the millennial youth who have divine awareness, noble character, professional, and have the soul of Indonesian nationalism.
  • Fighting for the improvement of women’s welfare through the protection, empowerment, and optimization of their role for the benefit of the ummah.
  • Fight for improved welfare and guarantees for the rights of workers, farmers, and fishermen.
  • Creating a social life order that respects each other and develops superior copyright, taste, and initiative and promotes local wisdom as a national cultural treasure.
  • Improving the protection and guarantee of education, health, and employment for all people.

Motto – Slogan/Tagline


Oppose Injustice/Fight against Tyranny – Uphold Justice