The gloomy atmosphere opened the film.  The scene begins with the  figure of the founder of the Ummat Party “Amien Rais” opening the  wide gate of the house at night.  The color of the twilight gives the impression of  bittersweet and gray.   The pitch black  color  is everywhere.  The lighting simply  comes from ten torches, five on the left and five on the right, which flank the  street in the yard of the house.

A reform figure “Amien Rais”, he is the Generalissimo of Indonesian Change.  He had just returned home at night and entered  his yard.  In a much different move 21 years earlier when he  gallantly led the reforms.

In  the age of over 70 years,  Amien Rais step shows the maturity and wisdom of a nation’s teacher.  Age does not fade his spirit, but further confirms the principles that   he has been fighting for.

After arriving in the     boudoir, Amien Rais began to write the preamble to the founding of the Ummat Party  by handwriting on a notebook. This preamble  is a response to the current  state of  the nation which is indeed grieving  due to  many injustices.

Demonstrations against the Omnibus Law that did not favor the people caused many casualties. At a ceremony mourning the death of a poor family member, Amien Rais appeared to be present to provide solace.

On the way home to ride a rickshaw after cutting, Amien Rais saw a transport truck that read “clean and fragrant imported rice” accompanied by Chinese characters, even though the news mentioned Rice stocks are still piling up in Bulog warehouses. This reality  seems absurd, but that is what  the reformer sees in  plain sight.

Shortly after that Amien Rais found a  job application map  on the side of the road belonging to a Papuan-faced job seeker. This folder was  previously slammed by its owner for  failing to get the expected job.

Unemployment everywhere. People want to  work to make a living, but  these hopes run aground because low economic growth does not allow it to happen.

After finding the address, Amien Rais returned the object he found on the side of the road to the owner who was in a stall with a busker “man” silver” and another member of the lower-class society.

The humans that  Amien Rais encountered in everyday life who struggled just to  connect life were those who were referred to  in postcolonial studies as subaltern  groups, namely they  Which even a voice does not have.

It was to them that Amien Rais spoke empathetically. Amien Rais sought to understand every   unspeakable suffering,  a  real portrait presented before the  eyes.

The film “Harapan Ummat” provides a way out of the siege of  the black atmosphere, inviting the nation’s children to come out of the darkness to the light or min azzulumaati ila annuur as stated in the The holy book  of the Qur’an, invites us to return to the Qur’an and keep His commandments (Allah SWT).  What is the content of the order? “First, do al amru bil ma’ruf and annahyu anil munkar, which is to  order the  establishment of virtue and eradicate ugliness. The second, running al amru bil adli and annahyu aniz zulmi, is to uphold justice and eradicate tyranny.”

The above quote is the preamble that became the foundation of the establishment of the Ummah Party.  Why did the founders invite all levels of society to gather in a party-shaped association?

“The former moves more on   the personal, familial and communal level, then the second moves more at the national level and deals with the issue of power.”

Amien Rais through the Ummat Party called on all the nation’s children  to fight to  change this dark state.  The Ummah Party  is the party of all who desire the establishment of truth and justice  and the  disappearance of tyranny.

This  call  was so pervasive into the  heart that it  was greeted wholeheartedly  by the subalterns, and then declared the establishment of the Ummat Party on the seafront full of  waves.

They are the family of a little girl in a white headscarf who has just been left for dead by a family member, a desperate Papuan-faced job seeker, a rickshaw driver, a “silver man” busker., the clown busker on the street who came with his clown using a rickshaw, and other low-class humans.

When  this declaration on the seafront  was  recorded and uploaded to the  internet,  lecturers, students, security guards, mothers who  were  working in the kitchen, and all walks of life  found similarities of hope with those who are in the place of the declaration.

Yes, hope. Hope for  change.


INDAH NEVERTARI – @inevtariworld