The color scheme of the party logo follows the terms of the color system specifications on offset printing techniques with the use of process colors. If needed for electronic media display (digital) can also use the original color space scheme of the computer.

For standard media (printing) applications, the alternative colors to be used are PANTONE 7408 C for gold, PANTONE 2002 C for light yellow.

GOLD  #E7B806 (R =231, G=184, B=6), (C=11, M=31, Y=100, K =0)
LIGHT YELLOW #FFE67D (R=255, G=230, B=125), (C=0, Y=10, M=6, K=0)
BLACK #000000 (R=0, G=0, B=0), (C=93, M=88, Y=89, K=80)

Ummat Party logo can also be applied using three colors, namely gold, light yellow, and black. However, gram logos must still use gold above white base, while type logos can use gold, black or white with the conditions set. For the basic color of the background on the main logo that makes part of the characteristic of the Ummat Party, is White and Black, used also in each implementation of various communication media used.

On a white/light color basis, the use of a colored logo is allowed is a logo with a combination of gold and black colors, provided that the gram logo remains gold and the type logo can use gold or black.
Users with a white base of one color, it is not possible because the base color of the logo applies three different color elements.

On a white/light color basis, the use of a colored logo is allowed is a logo with a combination of gold and black colors, provided that the gram logo remains gold and the type logo can use gold or black.